Midwives and Birth Centers
Baylor College of Medicine Certified Nurse-Midwives - Offers an alternative in women's health care
North Houston Birth Center - (Kathleen Vande Giessen, CNM,MSN,MBA) (713) 699-4211
North Houston Women's Health Care - (Kathleen Vande Giessen, CNM,MSN,MBA)Providing well women health care throughout your life cycle ( 713) 742-6070
Bay Area Birth Center - (Jacquelyn Griggs RN,CNM) Specialists in Natural Birth, Breastfeeding, and Women's Health (713) 472-5525
The Birthing Place - (Afua Hassan) 713.MID.WIFE
Nativiti Women's Health & Birth Center - Offers safe and satisfying care in a warm, comfortable, home-like environment ( 281) 296-2333
Women's Health & Birth Care - Empowering women and families to take responsibility for their extraordinary experience (713) 529-5131
Women's Specialist of Houston - Celebrating nine years of providing Midwifery care to the women of Houston (713) 797-1144
Carol Schumacher, CPM, LM - A CPM with 8 years experience offering complete maternity care and birth services at home or birth center (713) 728-3439
Janet Little, CNM (281) 319-4623
Christine Messarra, CPM, LM - Catching babies since 1997, complete maternity care and specializing in home birth (832) 385-6500
North Houston Women's Health Care - (Kathleen Vande Giessen, CNM,MSN,MBA)Providing well women health care throughout your life cycle ( 713) 742-6070
Bay Area Birth Center - (Jacquelyn Griggs RN,CNM) Specialists in Natural Birth, Breastfeeding, and Women's Health (713) 472-5525
The Birthing Place - (Afua Hassan) 713.MID.WIFE
Nativiti Women's Health & Birth Center - Offers safe and satisfying care in a warm, comfortable, home-like environment ( 281) 296-2333
Women's Health & Birth Care - Empowering women and families to take responsibility for their extraordinary experience (713) 529-5131
Women's Specialist of Houston - Celebrating nine years of providing Midwifery care to the women of Houston (713) 797-1144
Carol Schumacher, CPM, LM - A CPM with 8 years experience offering complete maternity care and birth services at home or birth center (713) 728-3439
Janet Little, CNM (281) 319-4623
Christine Messarra, CPM, LM - Catching babies since 1997, complete maternity care and specializing in home birth (832) 385-6500
Breastfeeding Supplies and Consultation
A Woman's Work - Breastfeeding, Shop for Mother and Baby, Bookstore (866) 660-1966
Nurtured Family – Boutique for Mother & Baby (Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Cloth Diapering & more); Free Classes on Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Labor Techniques, Midwives/Birth Centers/Hospitals, & more. 832-239-5140
Baby Bistro at Bella Luna Boutique - Breastfeeding support and supplies, located inside Texas Children's Pavilion for Women. 832-826-8000
Baby Bistro at Bella Luna Boutique - Breastfeeding support and supplies, located inside Texas Children's Pavilion for Women. 832-826-8000
The Motherhood Center - The Motherhood Center provides an abundance of services for pregnancy and into parenthood. (713) 963-8880
Nurtured Family (www.NurturedFamily.com) – Boutique for Mother & Baby (Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Cloth Diapering & more); Free Classes on Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Labor Techniques, Midwives/Birth Centers/Hospitals, & more. 832-239-5140
Infant Massage - Cynthia Friend, MS, LMT, CEIM - 281-451-8844, www.infantouch.com. cfriend@infantouch.com
Houston Baby Wearers: houstonbabywearers.org
Free meetings across Houston at which locals share the love of using
cloth baby carriers and slings. Support and information also shared
online via Facebook groups.
Angelique Geehan
Private consultations and classes for birth-related professionals and
caregivers (parents, childcare workers, relatives) on a wide range of
topics related to babywearing, baby carriers, and cloth slings,
including safety, techniques, comfort, selection, and breastfeeding
and nursing. 713 899 0655. Free meeting (as part of Houston Baby
Wearers) the second Saturday each month at the Montrose Freed
Neighborhood Library, 10 a.m. to noon. slingmeet@gmail.com
Childbirth Classes
Dawn Freedkin .281-961-1567
AAHCC (Bradley) Certified Childbirth Educator
Pearland, 77584
us@aarondawn.com • www.bradleybirth.com
AAHCC (Bradley) Certified Childbirth Educator
Pearland, 77584
us@aarondawn.com • www.bradleybirth.com
Dana Gillman, CD (DONA) 713-962-2447
Childbirth Educator ICEA
Spring, 77379
doulamom@comcast.net , www.doula.org
Childbirth Educator ICEA
Spring, 77379
doulamom@comcast.net , www.doula.org
Debbie Hull, Doula, CCE 281-599-1381
Birth Works Certified Childbirth Educator
Katy, 77449
Birth Works Certified Childbirth Educator
Katy, 77449
Jamie Marancenbaum, MPH. 469-417-9661
South Houston Doula Cooperative 281-560-3101
Monthly Community Classes including Preparing a Birth Plan, Relaxation and Exercise, Breastfeeding, and Cloth Diapering
Shannon Stellhorn, CLD, CBE 832-622-8885
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Childbirth Classes
Cole Deelah, CLD, CBE 281-560-3101
Fear to Freedom Childbirth Classes
Work of Heart Childbirth preparation classes
Weekend of Relaxation Childbirth Classes
Katherine Stanglin, CLD, CHCBE 832-360-6014
Hypnobabies Childbirth Classes
Vaccine Information
Prove - Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education - PROVE provides information on vaccines, and the immunization policies and practices that affect the children and adults of Texas. To contact please visit their contact page and send an email.